Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Ethan Frome Analysis Essay

Major themes in Ethan Frome include silence, isolation, illusion, and the consequences that are the result of living according to the rules of society. Wharton relies on personal experiences to relate her thematic messages. Throughout her life as a writer, Wharton would schedule the time that she wrote around social engagements and she did not readily discuss her writing. As a result, she was familiar with silence and isolation. The rules of society did not condone a woman who was a member of the upper class working, much less as a professional writer. Societal rules also frowned upon divorce. Wharton lived in a loveless marriage for years before she took a risk and divorced Teddy Wharton, her husband for almost thirty years. Throughout the novel Wharton focuses on silence as a major theme. In the introduction, the author describes her characters as â€Å"granite outcroppings . . . half emerged from the soil, and scarcely more articulate.† Each of the three major characters is encased in his/her own silence. Ethan, a quiet man by nature, returns to Starkfield following the death of his father to run the family farm and sawmill. Because he is too busy working to make small talk with the villagers and his sick mother stops speaking, Ethan becomes imprisoned in a â€Å"mortal silence.† He experiences a brief reprieve when Zeena arrives to care for his mother; but after his mother’s death and his subsequent marriage to Zeena, Zeena falls silent also. Communication between the couple is minimal and superficial. After Mattie’s arrival, Zeena forces a smothering silence on her also with her â€Å"fault-finding (that is) of the silent kind.† Ethan is able to share his passion for the wonders of nature with Mattie; however, when conversation takes a turn towards intimacy, silence returns and all Ethan can say is, â€Å"Come along.† The characters are unable to communicate with each other to di spel their own loneliness. It isn’t until Zeena forces Mattie to leave the Frome household that Ethan and Mattie express their feelings for each other. They abandon rational thought as they attempt to commit suicide and enter a silent hell in which the only verbal communication to be heard is Zeena and Mattie’s complaining. Isolation, another major theme in the novel, is not self-imposed before the tragedy that befalls Mattie and Ethan, but is enforced upon them by outside circumstances. Ethan tried to escape the isolation of Starkfield and his father’s farm by going off to the technological college at Worcester. He began to cultivate his own social traits and to overcome his reticence; however, his father’s death forced him to give up college and return to the farm and his ill mother. After his marriage to Zeena, Ethan is imprisoned by the farm, millwork, and caring for Zeena. He is physically isolated from the world at large and is also cut off from the possibility of any human fellowship that life in a village might afford. Mattie and Zeena are isolated characters also. Mattie is isolated by the deaths of bot h parents and the ill will of most of her relatives. She moves to the Fromes’, an unfamiliar farmhouse and, except for church socials, is cut off from contact with human beings other than the Fromes. Because Zeena is consumed by her many illnesses, she rarely leaves the farmhouse, and only speaks to Ethan and Mattie when voicing her complaints or demands. Because the attempted escape from isolation by Ethan and Mattie fails tragically, Ethan, Mattie, and Zeena are left to spend their lives in an isolation even more complete than that from which they tried to flee. Illusion, a false interpretation or perception, is an important theme in the novel. Illusion affords each of the three main characters a means of escape from the reality of the silent and isolated lives they lead. Ethan would † . . . imagine that peace reigned in his house† when Zeena stopped watching Mattie so closely after her arrival. He wants to believe that Mattie’s smiles and certain gestures are just for him. Ethan dreams of being with Mattie always; in fact, â€Å"he was never so happy with her (Mattie) as when he abandoned himself to these dreams.† The night that Zeena went to Bettsbridge, Ethan imagines them (Mattie and himself) sitting â€Å"on each side of the stove, like a married couple.† When Zeena insists that Mattie leave their household, Ethan tries to convince himself that Zeena will change her mind. His illusion about running away with Mattie fizzles when he faces reality — he can not afford one ticket, much less two. Mattie dreams of spending her life with Ethan. Ironically, her illusion becomes a reality. She does spend her life with Ethan, but as an invalid cared for by Zeena, not as Ethan’s wife, as she had imagined. Zeena’s illusions are unhealthy. Her hypochondria enables her to escape into self-pity and self-indulgence. The smash-up forces her to abandon her illusions of withdrawing from all her household responsibilities through the device of a hired housekeeper. The imprisonment experienced by an individual living according to the rules of society is a major theme inEthan Frome. The message that Wharton conveys through Ethan is that when people fear they are violating the rules of society, they risk becoming enslaved by those rules. Ethan doesn’t leave his wife because he feels bound by his marriage vows. He dreams about being married to Mattie; however, even as he writes his goodbye letter to Zeena, and subsequently talks to Mrs. Hale, his conscience does not allow him to follow through with his wishes. Instead, the rules of society rule his life and he remains entrapped in a loveless marriage. Symbols in Ethan Frome enrich the themes found in the novel as well as Wharton’s characterizations. A symbol functions literally as a concrete object and figuratively as a representation of an idea. Symbols allow writers to compress complicated ideas or views into an image or word. The most important use of symbolic imagery in Ethan Frome is the winter setting, which is first described in the prologue and is carried throughout the main story. Harmon Gow’s assessment of Ethan Frome early in the prologue is that he has endured too many Starkfield winters. From that point on, winter presides over the tragedy in all its manifestations of snow, ice, wind, cold, darkness, and death. The Narrator speculates that the winters in Ethan’s past must have brought about a suppression of life and spirit. Winter is also symbolic of the isolation, loneliness, and immobility that Ethan experiences. The name of the town, Starkfield, symbolizes the devastating and isolating effects of the harsh winters on the land and the men who work the land. The name is also symbolic of the stark and carefully composed prose Wharton used to write the story. Other symbols include the dead vine on the front porch of Fromes’ farmhouse that symbolizes the dead and dying spirits that inhabit the house and its adjacent graveyard, the farmhouse itself that has lost the â€Å"L† seems to be symbolic of Ethan (the house looks â€Å"forlorn† and â€Å"lonely†), it stands alone without support — isolated and lonely. The image of the butterfly, which has defied the cold and death of winter symbolizes freedom; freedom that Ethan is unable to attain because he is trapped in a loveless marriage. The cushion that Ethan throws across his study is the only cushion that Zeena ever made for him. Throwing it across the floor symbolizes his growing rejection of Zeena and his desire to run away with Mattie. Ethan thinks Mattie’s hair is one of her most beautiful features; it is symbolic of her free, happy, and open personality. Zeena’s hair, on the other hand, is always unattractively crimped and confined with pins, just as her personality seems pinched and constrained. The symbolic use of Mattie’s hair is more important at the climax of the novel, when it represents beauty and love, to which Ethan is willing to give his love — but can’t. The symbols used by Wharton in Ethan Frome reinforce the themes of silence, isolation, and entrapment; feelings that Ethan experiences i n his marriage. Wharton establishes patterns of imagery by using figurative language — language meant to be taken figuratively as well as literally. In Ethan Frome, Wharton’s descriptive imagery is one of the most important features of her simple and efficient prose style. Her descriptions serve a definite stylistic and structural purpose. The figurative language used by Wharton includes metaphors and similes. Metaphorscompare two unlike things without using words of comparison (such as like or as). For example, in the beginning of the novel, Wharton gives readers the feeling of the bitterness and hardness of the winter by setting the constellation, Orion, in a â€Å"sky of iron.† When Ethan and Mattie enter the Frome household after walking home, the kitchen has â€Å"the deadly chill of a vault after the dry cold of the night.† This image is appropriate to the living death that Ethan and Mattie experience in the years after their accident. Their lives do become cold and dead. The imagery associated with Zeena is bleak and cold also. When Ethan sees her before her trip to Bettsbridge, she sits in â€Å"the pale light reflected from the banks of snow,† which makes â€Å"her face look more than usually drawn and bloodless.† In contrast, the imagery associated with Mattie is associated with summer and natural life. Mattie’s change in mood reminds Ethan of â€Å"the flit of a bird in the branches† and he feels that walking with her is similar to â€Å"floating on a summer stream.† Later in the novel, when Ethan goes downstairs to tell Mattie that she will have to leave their house, their conversation has the effect of â€Å"a torch of warning† in a â€Å"black landscape.† Similes, comparisons of two unlike things that use words of comparison such as like oras, are direct comparisons that Wharton uses throughout the novel. At the beginning of the novel, Ethan’s perception of Mattie’s face is â€Å"like a window that has caught the sunset,† and later, he thinks her face seems â€Å"like a wheat field under a summer breeze.† As Ethan and Mattie walk home from the dance, Ethan reveals to Mattie that he had been hiding while she talked to Denis Eady. Wharton describes the moment when â€Å"her wonder and his laughter ran together like spring rills in a thaw.† The dead cucumber vine at the Frome farmhouse looks â€Å"like the crape streamer tied to the door for a death.† And, when Zeena tells Ethan that she should have sent Mattie away long ago because people were â€Å"talking,† the effect of her comment on Ethan is â€Å"like a knife-cut across the sinews. . . . † As Mattie and Ethan approach their crippling accident, darkness prevails over the imagery. Darkness comes, â€Å"dropping down like a black veil from the heavy hemlock boughs.† The b lack veil causes the reader to think of a funeral. Such figurative language evokes vivid images that reveal characterization and reinforce Wharton’s themes. Edith Wharton’s writing style is characterized by simplicity and control. Her choice of vocabulary and sentence structure, which is as stark as the lives led by her protagonists, is deceptive. Throughout the novel, Wharton builds up patterns of imagery, patterns of behavior, and specially charged words; all of which serve a definite stylistic and structural purpose. One of the best examples of Wharton’s careful control is seen in the descriptions of the events immediately before and after the â€Å"smash-up.† As Mattie and Ethan ride the sled down the hill, Wharton captures the initial thrill of the speed and then Ethan’s frenzied determination to drive them straight into the elm tree. Her prose slows down as she evokes Ethan’s return to consciousness. Not only in this example, but everywhere in the novel, her style is restrained, so that the way the words are arranged enhances their meaning without calling attention to the cleverness of the arrange ment. Because Wharton refrains from using unnecessary, superfluous modifiers, her descriptions seem to be almost elliptical or incomplete. She chooses adjectives and adverbs carefully and uses them infrequently. Her imagery is always appropriate to the limitations of her characters and is simply and subtly stated. For example, when Mattie and Ethan spend the evening together, Wharton uses the imagery of warmth and cold to complement characterization. She uses adjectives related to warmth when describing Mattie, and adjectives related to cold to describe Zeena. Other examples of elemental nature found in Wharton’s imagery are stars, the seasons, animals, vegetation, light, and darkness. Wharton’s use of structure contributes to the depiction of Ethan’s tragedy. The prologue and the epilogue, which take place some twenty years after the events of the main story, are written in first person from The Narrator’s point of view. Structurally, these portions of the novel constitute a â€Å"frame† around the story itself; however, this frame is more than a decoration. The prologue not only establishes the nature of theme and action, but also begins the characterization of Zeena and Ethan Frome. It also sets the important patterns of imagery and symbolism and starts a tone of omniscient narration throughout the body of the novel. Ethan is the only character who is thoroughly explored. Wharton’s attention to minor details and her use of structure to relay Ethan’s complicated and tragic life story to readers enables her to portray her characters as victims of the rules of society.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Nursing Diagnosis Handbook Essay

â€Å"It isn’t fair. I’ve worked so hard all my life, I don’t deserve this,† thought Mrs. Ross as she looked down at her right leg where a large wound gaped open. Two weeks ago, she had a femoral-popliteal bypass, which got infected. The wound was opened up and was healing slowly by secondary intention. It was painful, raw, and frightening. She put a hand on her chest and raised the head of the bed higher so she could catch her breath and stare out the window. Nursing Assessment Including Client Story Mrs. Ross is a previous landowner and farmer’s wife with extensive acreage. Her husband died 2 years ago, and the land was sold. She lives alone in the farmhouse and has help coming in two times a week. As she grew older, she isolated herself in her home and rarely went out. She has had multiple health problems. In her 30s, she attempted suicide and was rescued. She speaks rapidly and seems unable to hold still. Ten years ago, she was diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, but she continued to smoke two packs of cigarettes a day. Five years ago, she was diagnosed with heart failure, yet still she continued to smoke. Two years ago, she developed disabling pain in her right foot and leg. She stopped smoking and worked hard to get healthy. Her right foot turned almost black, she could no longer walk, and she agreed to have a femoral-popliteal bypass. After surgery, when the infection set in the leg, she was very angry and sputtered at everyone. She was transferred to the long-term care section of the hospital. Vital signs are: BP 96/62; pulse: 99 to 122 beats per minute and irregular; respirations: 20 breaths per minute. Heart sounds are irregular and distant; peripheral pulses are very weak; dorsalis pedis pulse is present in both legs but weak; lung sounds include wheezes and coarse crackles throughout; and oxygen saturation is 88% to 90%, on oxygen at 3 L. A wound vac is attached to the wound to help close the large opening. Mrs. Ross has not been out of bed for 4 days. She is eating minimally.

Brand Equity Essay

Introduction In 2010, Coca-Cola has appeared at the top of the global brands with an estimate value of &78 billion. IBM has closely behind with 71$ billion. Despite those two businesses have totally different of business nature, these two firms have a significant common characteristic which is the value of their brand is extremely high. However, the value of branding isn’t only reveal in those two firms but the entire market has the common factors which are the most successful firm always has a high value of their brand. Branding is one of the critical enduring assets to a company which can be the name, term, design, symbol or any unique feature can be used to identify business. Kapferer (2008) suggest that branding is the most important factor to service industry as its instinctive uniqueness like inseparability, heterogeneity, perishability and tangibility. Furthermore, CEO of McDonald’s claimed that the value of brand is worth than any of their facility and equipment. It indicate that importance of branding is powerful assets which every of marketing manager would have carefully develop and manage. In this paper, we explore the importance of Brand Equity and any of the associated metrics. Brand Equity is the differential effect that knowing the brand name has on customer response to the product or its marketing. America Marketing Association has given a definition of brand equity, it suggests that â€Å"The value of a brand. From a consumer perspective, brand equity is based on consumer attitudes about positive brand attributes and favorable consequences of brand use.† Brand equity is a critical marketing component for building a successful business which gives advantages to increase the profit of the product or services depends on the various value of the brand. Ad agency Young and Rubicm’s Brand Assest Valuator measures brand strength along four consumer perceptions which are the differentiation, knowledge, relevance and esteem. 4 strategy in brand equity Differentiation refers to the process to distinguish a product or services to your rivals. The purpose of approaching differentiation is to position your product to your potential customer which makes the product or services more attractive to a particular market, also, it can increase the competitive  advantage of the products. Successful differentiation can possibly leads the firms to the monopolistic competition which means business has occupy a specify market area. In 2007, Apple introduced the first IPhone in the market; the success differentiation of the IPhone push Apple to become a one of the most successful company in the world. Though, multiple brands has starting introduced new smart phone gradually, Apple has still occupy a mount 25-35% of the market as their successful differentiate their product against their rivals. Moreover, in order to identify the nature of the product differentiation, firms can use some of the metrics to measure. Moreover, brand knowledge, also known as Brand awareness refers to the brands popularity toward firm’s potential consumers. Kevin (1993) declared Brand awareness is related to the functions of brand identities in consumers’ memory and can be reflected by how well the consumers can identify the brand under various conditions. Brand awareness is always the primary goal of advertising which include the brand recognition and recall performance. Larry and John (1992) claimed that Brand recognition refers to the capability for consumers to identify between new brand and consumer previous used brand. The primary objective isn’t to force consumer to recognise the brand names, it often means that consumers can response to a certain brand after viewing its visual packaging images. On the other hands, brand recall refers the consumer’s ability to generate and retrieve the brand in their memory. Furthermore, brand relevance refers to how consumers feel its meets their needs. Aaker (2012) suggest that the brand relevance is to differentiate or innovate new product or services that route to consumer to have a ‘must have’ feeling. Finally, brand esteem refer as how highly consumers regard and respect the brand. consumer’s response to a marketer’s brand-building activity is driven by his perception of two factors: quality and popularity, both of which vary by country and culture. Brands such as Kodak, Maruti, Pepsi, Amul and Raymonds are esteemed in the consumer’s mind, based on popularity more than quality. Therefore, those 4 factors are the most crucial element of brand equity approach, it aims to develop a valuable customer equity which means the value of the customer relationships that the bread create. 3 Level of brand Equity In order to evaluate a brand, there are three level that we can approach to  measure the states of brand. The first level refers as the firm level which measure a brand as a financial asset. It means that firm treat a brand’s value as an intangible asset. Neumeier (2006) provides an example to describe the situation. He claimed that if manager were to take the value of the firm, as derived by its market capitalization—and then subtract tangible assets and â€Å"measurable† intangible assets—the residual would be the brand equity. On the other hand, the term ‘Brand valuation modelling’ is also highly relevant to the brand equity in this level. Brand valuation models typically combine a brand equity measure with commercial metrics such as margin or economic profit. It can determine the actual value and the potential value of the brand in the future. The second level is product level refer as compare the price of the product with infamous brand. We assume that the different in price, consumers would be favourite in our brand. Firms always determine their sales price by the result of this level. The third level is the consumer level which defines as seeks to measure the awareness and brand image. Free association tests and projective techniques are commonly used to uncover the tangible and intangible attributes, attitudes, and intentions about a brand Brands with high levels of awareness and strong, favourable and unique associations are high equity brands. (Keller 1993) The 3 Brand Equity Metrics In order to identify the level of success for the brand equity, there are three metrics which can be used to measure the performance from three different aspects. Firstly, financial brand equity metrics is used to measure a brand’s profitability and it is include market share, price sensitivity, profitability, revenue etc. Roll (2009) reveals that Measure a brand’s monetary value through the various parameters of market share, price premium a brand commands, the revenue generation capabilities of a brand, the transaction value, the lifetime value of a brand and the rate at which brands sustains growth. The purpose of this measure is to allow a firm to evaluate an accurate financial value of brand equity linked to marketing metrics. Moreover, Knowledge metrics is the key driver of brand equity which refer to measure brand’s awareness and popularity via many stages of recognition, aided, unaided and top of mind recall. Similarly, the functional and emotional associations of a brand are important drivers of  brand equity. Knowledge metrics include the loyalty, retention and awareness. For example, PlayBoy is recently changing their target consumers and markets. It must be imperative to them as their recognition has decreased significant in the global market such as China. As the result, PlayBoy has suffered of a huge loss because the losing of knowledge metrics. The third metrics is Consumer Brand Equity Metrics which refer to track consumer sentiment and behaviors related to your brand to get a complete understanding of brand equity. If consumers believe in a brand, it has far more equity than a brand that consumers don’t care about or believe in. (Gunelius). In order to approach this metrics, firms has to ask questions through surveys and research that gives information of how people feel about the brand and how they make purchase decision. Firms can use those dates to track the brand equ ity to ensure it’s growing in a positive direction. The Benefit of Brand Equity Approaching brand equity is always giving a lot of advantages to the firms. I strongly suggest should use brand equity to gain the benefit shown below 1. Increase market share of the company If a firms successfully approach brand equity in the market, their product value will be excess the market expectation which will attract potential investor to invest into the company. It increase the market share at the market, moreover, it accelerate the development of new firms. Beats electronics is developed on 2008 and it has become one of the most valuable audio product manufactures in the world. As they have unique strategy to promote and differentiate their product, the value of their brand has increase 27 billion dollars in 3 years and it has been purchased by Apple on 2014. 2. Helps build Brand loyalty Brand loyalty is directly related with brand equity. Well-developed and promoted brands make product positioning efforts more effective. Brand loyalty is the consumer’s commitment to repurchase to a specific brand while  brand equity refers to the marketing effects which a product’s value increases because the branding effect. This means that people will always show more brand loyalty a specific brand if the brand equity of the product is higher. For example, Apple as one of the leader sheep of the smart phone market, their unique feature and design has earned a lot of brand loyalty in the market. 3. Helps to introduce new product When Firms are trying to establish a new product in the market, it is always easier if the firms have successful brand equity as their brand is already well-known in the market. 4. Reduce promotion cost Promotion is always costly ecstatically through media channel. However, brand equity can reduce the price of the promotion as they have a solid consumer base which will promote firm’s product by word of mouth. Conclusion Brand equity is a phrase used in the marketing industry to try to obtain the benefit from the brand’s power, based on the idea that the owner of the well-known brand name can make more revenue from products or services. As consumers believe that products with famous names is better than less well-known products as another word for â€Å"brand equity† is the â€Å"brand value†. The value will have be premium when a firm realizes from a product with a recognizable name as compared to its generic equivalent. Companies can create brand equity for their products by 4 aspects which are differentiation, knowledge, relevance and esteem. Therefore, business should approach brand equity as their primary goal as it provides a lot of advantage and it increase the marketing productivity significantly. Reference list Gunelius, S 2014,’ Brand Equity Basics – Part 1: What Is Brand Equity?’ retrieved 07 September 2014, <> Aaker, D 2009 Managing Brand Equity, The Free Press, New York Kohli, C& Leuthesser, L 2001,’ BRAND EQUITY: CAPITALIZING ON INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL’, retrieved 07 September 2014, <> Keller, K L 1993,’Conceptualizing, Measuring, and managing Customer-Basaed Brand Equity’, Journal of Marketing, retrieved 07 September 2014, <>

Monday, July 29, 2019

Vietnam War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Vietnam War - Essay Example For American soldiers it was very difficult even to move in jungle. They had to use special instruments like machete to move from one place to another. In order to survive in jungle Americans had to capture the whole settlements. As a result Americans lost much in this war. The interests of the both American and Vietnamese soldiers were not taken into account by the Vietnam War initiators. The problem lied in the fact that many Americans were against the war as well as Vietnamese. They organized strikes and meetings devoted to the question. Other countries of the world also were not pleased with what was happening as the war, which started due to the political interests, led to the death of hundreds of peaceful citizens. Moreover, many of these citizens provided American soldiers with help. The United States did not take into account the political consequences of their military actions on the territory of Vietnam. Actually, the goals of the war are still vague. Soldiers themselves could not understand what they were fighting for. Vietnamese were weaker in terms of military forces, but they were stronger mentally because they knew that they just had to defend. Today everybody knows about the huge military potential of the USA: even a little child every day can see modern American military techniques and bold soldiers on TV, in magazines, movies, computer games. It seems that military forces of the United States can do everything: help other peoples in their struggle with suppressors, neutralize dangerous terrorists, bring peace to dangerous regions and provide them with stability. The American military forces were not less powerful in 1970, but they still managed to fail the war with small undeveloped state – Vietnam. In this failure prejudices played not the last role. American soldiers were considered to be heroes, the mission of which is to defend poor and deprived. However, War in Vietnam destroyed these

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Cetuximab for treating Colorectal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Cetuximab for treating Colorectal - Essay Example and Wheeler (2011) â€Å"many human epithelial cancers including head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC), non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), colorectal cancer (CRC), breast, pancreatic and brain cancer† (p.778) are the main sites for the expression for EGFR. The EGFR belongs to EGF receptor family, which also belongs to the family of tyrosine kinase. The receptor is ubiquitously expressed in many cells with epithelial, neuronal and mesenchymal origin (Harding and Burtness 2005). During homeostatic condition the regulation of these receptors are activated when ligand molecules like TGFÃŽ ± (transforming growth factor alpha), EGF and AR (amphiregulin) are available. These ligands have specificity for EGFR. Therefore, the target of the drug is usually expressed in many parts of the body with epithelial, neuronal and mesenchymal cells if there is a ligand molecule to initiate the expression process. When the ligand binds to the EGFR receptors, activation takes effect, which is manifested by downstream activation of pathways like PLCy/PKC, RAS/RAF/MEK/ERK and P13K/AKT. In the absence of this process the net effect would lead to the activation of cells to proliferate, metastatic and survival of potential cancer cells (Oliveras-Ferraros et al 2008; Chen et al 2012). The drug has high affinity for EGFR. Therefore, its affinity out-competes both the EGF and TGFÃŽ ±, whose binding would have initiated proliferation, metastatic and survival of cancerous and tumours cells. The drug binds to the extracellular domain of EGFR to cause lockage of ligand induced EGFR phosphorylation or ligand binding. By hindering HER and EGFR members from binding to the receptor, the drug promoted degradation and internalisation of EGFR, thereby abrogating the downstream cascades of signal pathways (Brand et al 2011). Cells are arrested and prevented from existing the G1 phase of the cycle. Besides, interaction of the drug with the receptor decreases the expression of factors like

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Managing Communications, Knowledge and Information Essay - 2

Managing Communications, Knowledge and Information - Essay Example With regard to operational decisions, the businesses have to consider the effective utilisation of the tactical decisions such as delivering the products to the customers (McGowan, n.d.). Along with the above discussed decisions, the businesses also have to consider certain important decisions that include short-term operational plans along with long-term strategic decisions. From the perspective of short-term operational plans, the businesses have to focus upon certain decisions regarding the production of goods and services and market planning, which covers both financial and production plans. Additionally, in relation to short-term operational plans, the businesses also have to consider the decisions that include gathering necessary business related information, evaluating the alternatives, and selecting the most effective action courses (Kansal and Rao, 2006). From the perspective of long-term strategic decisions, the businesses need to think about certain significant decisions t hat include strategic as well as corporate planning. ... Q. B2 Right flow of knowledge and information are indispensable for every business organisation. The possessing of effective and superior knowledge and information can ultimately enhance the aspect of decision-making, improve the level of competence, and assist the business organisations to attain noteworthy competitive position. The business sectors also need to acquire knowledge and manage valuable information for the purpose of evaluating their probable weaknesses and strengths. In recent times, the aspect of information and knowledge management has become a chief contributory part towards making the business operations of the different organisations quite successful by a considerable level (Rad, et al., 2009). The diverse information and knowledge that are required to take effective decisions fundamentally include ensuring the collection, analysis, and execution of evidences that greatly support and complement the overall functioning of the business and facilitate in organising t he relevant information in such a way that it can provide benefits for successful planning. Additionally, the other crucial knowledge and information aspects include the procedure of reviewing along with considering evidences in order to make effective strategic decisions regarding the execution of the business plans and managing the differing desires and requirements of the users along with the suppliers (National Occupational Standards, 2011). In order to ensure successful decision taking, the business organisations should possess certain significant knowledge and information that generally include the analysis of internal data or reports, understanding the characteristics of the customers and other chief stakeholders, business trends, analysis of the available products along

Friday, July 26, 2019

Reproductive Rights (M3C) Ethics in Health Care Essay

Reproductive Rights (M3C) Ethics in Health Care - Essay Example The techniques of assisted reproduction are on the peak now and many couples opt for this method of conception. But many questions have been raised on this technique that whether it is ethically justified or not. It is argued by liberals that it is an option that lays on the shoulders of the parents and since everyone has the right to choose for their life, this technique is justified. On the other hand, there are arguments against this technique which argue that the children who are brought into this world are done so without their consent and they have a higher risk of acquiring diseases and neurological issues. Thus a question arises that is a doctor correct when carrying out this technique of assisted reproduction. Researches have served to prove the fact that invitroferilization (IVF) techniques carry with them many harms and pose many threats for the newborn infant. It is seen that these children who are born with the assistive reproductive techniques have a higher risks of hav ing neurological pathologies and thus life hampering conditions. It is argued that the health of the children is above all such techniques and hence it should be prohibited and not carried out by doctors until and unless much research is done in this field and it is proved to be free of side effects.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Reentry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reentry - Essay Example While serving the sentence they could be subjected to mental abuse or mental health treatment. This results in less and less people participating in vocational or pre-release educational programs. Without the skill sets required to survive, with the police record that cant be wiped or erased, no family accepting or supporting them and no where to go, great majority is re arrested in less than six months. It probably would be easy to pick people for the crimes they have committed as it is a necessary act for smooth and safe functioning of the society. However reintegrating them into the society is a task that seems an undaunted perpetual problem. As the number of ex-convicts continues to grow, their alienation poses as a threat to the society, which their imprisonment is expected to protect. The story of Jean Sanders narrated by Amanda Ripley in Living on the Outside touches all the issues faced by the ex-convict. Jean was picked by the law several times for petty drug dealing and car thieving. All he wanted was a normal life. His struggle is a representative case. During the 1990s America witnessed multiplying of prisons. It was forgotten that the more are locked inside, the more needed to be released. Rehabilitation was not the game of the day. Outside the prisons the Federal Government restricted welfare and housing facilities to the ex-criminals. In such case, when no education to support, no vocational training, a non-accepting society and family who is not ready to take in, these ex-criminals turn to crime again. This has also resulted in the law enforcing system turning into supervisory system. Sanders had to make valiant efforts to pick up a better job. He is unable to do manual labor due to injury caused during imprisonment. This is again representative as most ex-criminals have serious health and medical problems. The parolees are expected to do several reporting. As quoted in the article, â€Å"the system is designed

Reshaping Toledo The physical and symbolic transformation of the Essay

Reshaping Toledo The physical and symbolic transformation of the medieval city after the Christian conquest of 1085 - Essay Example This paper not only concentrates on the physical patterns that underwent changes during the transitional period, but also focuses on the several changes which cast their strong influences in human psyche of this place. It talks about the history of the city itself, the quintessential aspects of its transformation through the centuries, the effect of repopulation of the al-Andalusia region during the long years of the Reconquista and the people representing a large melting pot of various cultures and creeds, namely Christians, the Muslims and the Jewish minorities, who inhabited the city. The city being one of the most happening centers of physical, religious and cultural transformation has been the interest of a large number of archaeologists and historians, who tried to bring out the subtle tones of color representing the gradual change in the nature of the city, the outlook of the people and their social standing with respect to each other. This is a fact that these changes effected over a long period of time throughout the reign of Alfonso VI and continuing aftermath slowly imparted the final tones of color to the city whose traces can be linked even today. If we retrospect the entire history of medieval Spain and not just the city of Toledo, which was an integral part of the al-Andalus governed by the Islamic supremacy and the Berber regimes of Almohads and Almoravids, we would procure a tale of both oppression and tolerance throughout the entire period of change from the Islamic supremacy to Christian power. The chronicles that record this transformation also s peaks of the slow change in the lives of the people, the Christians and the Muslims along with the minorities, mostly the Jews, because reshaping of the city was also brought about by the changes in the religious and social scenario. It led to the mingling of different ritualistic practices among the Spanish population. This paper will focus on the Spanish mediaeval history when all these transformations took place giving birth to a multicultural milieu of Toledo. Reshaping Toledo is the main subject of this paper. Throughout the discussion, we shall try to examine in what sense the city was reshaped. There are different schools of thought who have said different things on whether the Muslim era in Toledo had its serious effect. This paper will also throw some light on whether the Christian era after Reconquest in the city was able to bring valuable changes to the city scenario. Regaining the power over Spanish states was a great achievement for the Christians, but our discussion wi ll try to evaluate this reign's actual influences on the physical, religious and symbolic aspects of Toledo. It might be noted that Medieval Spain went through several torments as the Christians showed up a constant fight to clinch power from the hand of Muslims. The Spanish battlefield remained a happening place throughout the medieval era and the crusade started at the point when the Muslims had their control almost all through the Western Europe. European continent was ruled by the Muslims from the beginning of the 8th century and they continued spreading until hindered by the exploits of Charles the Hammer. Defeat of the Muslim power in the Pyrenees resulted in their settlement in the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Disaster in Gwinnett County Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Disaster in Gwinnett County - Research Paper Example Gwinnett County Emergency Management Agency needs to be created in order to manage future disasters and after effects related to the calamity. The country should synchronize the action of Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) with other emergency services (Gwinnett County Emergency Management Agency). They should take help of National Traffic System (NTS) in order to reduce public panic regarding the disaster. Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and medical examiner are needed in order to deal with medical exigencies Human service agencies Fire department Law enforcement Question 2 Gwinnett County needs to create incident management system in order to prevent ill effects of future disasters. National incident management system is needed to be created and NIMS should concentrate on following areas (Walsh 7). Command and Management Human Resource Management Communication and information management Technological support Operation management Multiagency coordination system Question 3 Nati onal incident management system needs to work with incident command system (ICS) in order to fillip the scope of Area command. Command structure should be created in the following manner. (Source: Walsh 13) [Note: Above mentioned picture shows that command structure of EOC group can be bifurcated into two parts such as Agency executives and unified area command. Unified area command covers two types of commands such as unified command and incident command] Prevention (including Mitigation) NIMS needs to measure amount of physical and financial damage caused by disaster in the districts of Snellvill, Lawrenceville, Duluth & unincorporated Gwinnett regulatory in order to prevent further disruptions. In the prevention NIMS need to use following sources to foster the prevention activity. (Source: Walsh 14) Command structure should follow â€Å"Unified Command† structure in order to facilitate joint determination process. Strategic planning for resource allocation should be done i n unified manner. Agencies will be appointed to resolve for utilizing resources (Walsh 25). Question 4 The overall strategic objective of NIMS is to ensure a systematic and effective mechanism for mitigating the ill effect of disaster. Strategic objectives can be underpinned in the following manner. Determining overall incident management strategy Integrating tactical operation with strategic objective Mainstream disaster management in pertinent areas such as Lawrenceville, Duluth, Snellville and Unincorporated Gwinnett. Creating joint planning for tactical activities (Walsh 26) Using available resources at optimum level Question 5 NIMS was focusing on removing debris, providing emergency service to affected people as a part of the initial command but now the equilibrium of the situation has changed after reports of traffic incidents revealed. Gwinnett County Emergency Management Agency needs to recruit more number of volunteers in order to help people affected by disaster. Initial command structure can be explained by following diagram. (Source: Walsh 29) The command structure should be elongated in order to resolve traffic problem. Addition traffic emergency workers can increase the strength of the structure. Initial command

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Why do I have to take economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Why do I have to take economics - Essay Example The main question is that why should I take economics as a course? There are a lot of reasons supporting the cause. First of all the world relies on economics. All the activities and happenings in the world are based on economics. Economics is the mother of all social sciences. Although the subject is lengthy but still it’s interesting and gives you a clearer view about what is happening around you. For example you are watching BBC, or reading a news paper suddenly you come to the business section. You see that price of a share is increasing or decreasing, you get curious about the factors causing the price to rise or fall but you don’t know about it. Taking economics will give you a basic idea about the business world and how it operates. Microeconomics, as the name suggests, deals with the basic concepts like demand and supply, elasticity, returns and more basic things. The change in price of a product due to a shift in demand is a basic thing. One other point in favo r of opting economics as a summer course is that the student gets to know about the working of an economy.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Discussing Hamlets speach with Polonius Essay Example for Free

Discussing Hamlets speach with Polonius Essay Farewell, Ophelia, and remember well What I have said to you. Line 88,Act 1 Sc 111. Tis in my memory locked, And you yourself shall the keep the key of it. Line 90 Act 1 Sc 11. These were the last words Laertes and Ophelia exchanged before he left to France. It is when Polonius hears these words that he asks Ophelia what Laertes meant when he said, Remember well What I have said to you. Ophelia then tells her father that it was about her relationship with Hamlet. Polonius then questions Ophelia about this so-called relationship. Which then brings me to speech Polonius and Ophelia have Act 1 Scene 3 Lines 122-143 which I have based my essay own. I will go in depth and explain different characteristics of this speech. This whole speech between Polonius and Ophelia, though Polonius does most of the talking. I think it would be fairly accurate to say that he is actually lecturing Ophelia. Polonius is telling Ophelia that Hamlet is no good and also telling Ophelia that she shouldnt give in to Hamlet so easily. Polonius in this speech also reveals to the reader what his true feelings of Hamlet are. From this speech we can imply that Polonius is very concerned about Ophelias relationship with Hamlet. Shakespeare uses Metaphors, Similes, Alteration, and Personifications in Poloniusspeech s to stress Hamlets faults and Ophelias personality as well. The speech becomes more alive because of these devices. I will show exactly how these devices construct Poloniuss speech. It is obvious that Polonius is concerned about his daughters relationship with Hamlet this is shown throughout the speech in various ways. The speech also shows Polonius strongly disapproves of Hamlet he does this by criticizing every aspect of Hamlet. We can see this by looking at Poloniuss speech for example when Polonius says When the blood burns, how prodigal the soulAct1, Sc3, Lines125, Polonius is saying that when Hamlet has a sudden churning for a womens company that is when he goes to Ophelia. There is an alliteration here blood burns this put emphasis on these two words. When the blood burns is also a metaphor because we all now blood doesnt burn, these two devices make Hamlet seem like a monster. It seems as if Hamlet is only using Ophelia for his own selfish reasons. Then Polonius continues to say how prodigal the soul Lends the tongue vows Act1, Sc3, Lines123-124 Polonius here is saying that when Hamlet has a sudden churning his soul lends his tongue vows or promises. We can see the personification here because Shakespeares writes as if soul is a person and can actually lend the tongue vows. This personification shows the reader exactly how fake Hamlet is. Then Polonius says These blazes, daughter, Giving more light than heat, extinct in both Act1, Sc3, Lines124-125, Polonius is saying that the blazes contain light and heat but they die out soon after. Polonius is saying just like light and heat die out and so will Hamlets promises. This shows the reader that Hamlet is not going to keep his promises that soon they will be broken. Polonius again uses personification to show us exactly what he think of Hamlets promises in this quote Do not believe his vows for they are brokers,Act1, Sc3, Lines134-135, Polonius is talking about Hamlets vows as if they were alive and they could actually break promises. This shows Hamlets promises arent worth anything. Polonius goes on to say that Hamlet is a fake in this next quote Not of that dye which their investments shows Act1, Sc3, Lines135, Polonius is saying that Hamlet is not the way his clothing or covering make him look. In this line Hamlet may be seen as an imposter or a hypocrite. In this next quote Polonius show us exactly what kind of person Hamlet is Breathing like sanctified and pious bawds, Act1, Sc3, Lines 137 this metaphor means Hamlet is acting like a humble person so he can hide his obscene, vulgar personality. In other words Hamlet acts like someone else so he can hide his true self. At this point the reader can speculate from Poloniuss speech that Hamlet is a rather nasty character or that Polonius has some hidden issues against Hamlet and that is why he is intent on giving Hamlet a bad name. Throughout the speech Polonius doesnt give any reason as to why he feels this way towards Hamlet. In the previous paragraph I showed you how Polonius used comparisons and other literary devices to show his disapproval towards Hamlet. In this paragraph I will show you how Polonius makes Ophelia seem feeble and vulnerable. In the first line Ay springes to catch woodcocks! I do knowAct1, Sc3, Lines122 Polonius compares Ophelia to woodcocks, which are known to be witless and easily trapped. Polonius is saying that Ophelia is easily trapped by Hamlet words, gifts etc. The reader might think of Ophelia as a little vulnerable girl who can be easily fooled. Polonius then accuses Ophelia of not being able stand up for herself and saying no to Hamlet, in this next quote Set your entreatments at a higher rate. Than a command to parley. Act1, Sc2, Lines129 Polonius is saying dont automatically give in to Hamlets every request, have some self-respect and dignity. The reader may think that Ophelia cant really say no when it comes to Hamlet. Then Polonius wraps up his speech by saying I would not in plain terms from this time forth Have you slander any moment leisure As to give words or talk with Lord Hamlet. Look tot, I charge you. Act 1,Sc3, Lines138-142Polonius is ending his speech by telling Ophelia that she better not from this time on spend time or even talk with Hamlet anymore. Ophelia answers by saying I shall obey, my Lord. Act1, Sc3, Lines143 Ophelia doesnt complain to her father this shows a certain amount of feebleness on Ophelias side. The reader can obviously assume that Ophelia is a vulnerable, feeble and a nai ve girl in here nature. The overall effect of Poloniuss speech is concern for his daughter and disapproval towards Hamlet. Polonius is trying to protect Ophelia from getting hurt by Hamlet, which whom he doesnt particularly like. This makes Polonius seem like an overprotective father. The essence of Poloniuss speech is the concern mixed with extreme dislike toward Hamlet. He uses Metaphors, Similes, Alliteration and Personification this makes Poloniuss speech become more appealing. Polonius compares Hamlet to many things and says a lot about what Hamlet is and is not. Polonius does it so much that the audience is feels that the Polonius could have is own secret issues with Hamlet. The audience is hearing a lot of criticism directed at Hamlet and the audience might start to think that Poloniuss has other reasons for disapproving of Hamlet. This could mean that all the things said about Hamlet may not be true. How does the speech affect the rest of the play? This speech affects the rest of the play in the sense that Poloniuss disapproval of Hamlet causes for Ophelia to tell Hamlet that their relationship is over and Hamlet is not very pleased by this. After this episode when Hamlet starts acting weird, even a little mad. Polonius automatically suggests it is because Ophelia has dumped Hamlet, and therefore convinces Claudius and Gertrude that is what is causing Hamlets madness. Even though there is not direct evidence that implies Ophelia is the cause of Hamlets madness, in fact the reader know this is not even the reason for Hamlets madness further more Hamlet is not even mad. Polonius is simply playing devils advocate. I think Poloniuss extreme dislike of Hamlet that is revealed throughout the speech has affected the play in a number of ways.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Discussion Between Shareholder Value Perspective And Stakeholder Perspective Economics Essay

Discussion Between Shareholder Value Perspective And Stakeholder Perspective Economics Essay Firstly, it is necessary to understand some definitions of shareholder , stakeholder and the theory of shareholder and of stakeholder . Why there has been many debates between two theories ? Shareholder is an individual or corporation owning stock in a public or private company. Shareholder decides the membership of the board of directors by making a vote . ( Mc Graw Hill , 2003). Maximising shareholder wealth means maximising the flow of dividends to shareholders through time there is a long-term perspective . ( Glen Arnold, 2008 ). Stakeholder are groups and individuals who get benefit from or are harmed by, or whose rights are contravened or regarded by, corporate actions . The list of stakeholder commonly includes customers, employees, suppliers and the community like shareholders and other investors. As stated by Frederick R.Post , shareholder theory supports that management is allowed to ignore the interest of the the other constituencies while pursuing the interest of the shareholder owners. Moreover, in the perspective of finance, shareholder wealth maximisation is accepted as being obvious logically ( Anant K. Sundaram , Andrew C. Inkpen, 2004) . The stakeholder theory has initial root in the research involving business , society and ethics. The first argument is supported to this theory by Freeman (1984). The stakeholder theory says that managers should pay attention to all stakeholders in a company , including not only financial claimants, customers, communities, governmental officials but also under the environment, terrorists or even blackmailers ( Michael C. Jensen , 2001). According to Thomas L. Carson, corporation should be operated for all stakeholders, not just for the shareholders. However, here are some misled understanding of shareholder theory and stakeholder theory needed to be explained . Sometimes people think that manager can do everything as long as getting profit regardless of ethical issue. But the shareholder theory forces manager to raise profit only through legal, nondeceptive means ( Friedman, 1962 ) . Moreover, it is sometimes said that shareholder theory is not willing to give corporate funds to charitable projects or training employees, but in reality when employees are trained , their skills are improved and maybe the effective work is better then ever before. Also the stakeholder theory is misunderstood that it does not require a firm to focus on profitability. Although the primary objective of the stakeholder theory is the concern of involving parties, it must be attained by balancing the interest of all stakeholders including all shareholders. In my opinion, shareholder wealth maximisation should be a superior objective over stakeholder interest . Some academic argue that there is a factual and normative consensus that corporate managers should act exclusively in the economic interests of shareholders and that the best means to this end the pursuit of aggregate social welfare is to make corporate managers strongly accountable to shareholder interest ( Hansmann and Kraakman,2000, pp 1 and 9). The logic in factual consensus shows that economic compels managers to maximise shareholder wealth by mass series of different propositions like that firms can be operated effectively thanks to perfect competitive markets for goods and services . After that the pursuit of economic efficiency creates firm-wealth maximisation and the firm wealth maximisation matches shareholder wealth maximisation ( Sundaram and Inkpen, 2004 ). Then competitive market also puts pressure on managers to maximise shareholder wealth. The logic for standa rd consensus illustrates that economic efficiency maximises social welfare. However, the market is not perfect , there are many conflicts of interest that shareholders can benefit by taking from other stakeholders. For instance, they can renegotiate contracts under changed conditions or adopt an investment policy that redistribute wealth from other stakeholders. Doing favour to shareholder is dependent on their situations., firms shareholders are closer to financial default which does not care much their reputation . With the assumption is that perfect competitive market, any firms always want to increase share prices benefits shareholders . It is carried out by selling, buying or holding their shares. But if we skip these assumptions, unanimity can leave. Foe example, if managers know something that investors do not know and realise that the intrinsic value in the stock is higher than its market value. Therefore, what shareholder wealth maximisation is unclear. It depends whether s hareholders want to keep or sell their shares. If shareholders want to sell, managers could involve in various costly signaling actions to correct the potential mis-pricing. Adversely, if shareholders do not want to sell, signaling activities are less logical. We also raises questions about the experiences foundations that managers are not even willing pay lip services that they want to maximise shareholder wealth. Because for whatever reason, managers are not ready to publicly approve shareholder wealth maximisation with much enthusiasm. In contrast, they prefer to seeking several targets and shareholder wealth is often not one of them. Furthermore,they are reluctant to show ranking for the various targets they pursue, and even if they do, there is still less evidence that shareholder wealth maximisation plays the top priority . The stakeholder theory also has drawback like that how to realise corporate social responsibility , for example how to consider all stakeholders interests appropriately which is often flawed in that they do not take into account the various essential conditions and institutional restrictions of corporate decision making as to the problems of behaviour by the people who influence corporate decisions. Moreover, corporate governance is involved in how business company should be controlled legally. Management has a fiduciary task to serve the interest of shareholder and shareholder wealth maximisation should be objective of the company prescribe how strategy and investment decisions can be made. They show us little about how managers actually do their duty of managing a company to create value for shareholder . There are some ways that stakeholders can be treated unfairly, and each unequal treatment might rise efficiency at the expense of another. Thus, economic system is required to ens ure the basis fairness and managers have responsibility to behave toward all stakeholders with fairness and moral concern. A situation can be caused for stakeholder management, then if these legal obligations are insufficient to make sure the equal treatment of all stakeholders. Just corporations should defend and assist the interest of all stakeholders, they should behave all stakeholders fairly. From the above definitions, we can see that shareholder is one of the dimensions of stakeholder. But if we thinks that considering stakeholder interest as superior over shareholder wealth , it also means we must pay attention to all objectives of stakeholder interest . It is difficult to practice this because various stakeholders has conflicting or different objectives . Shareholder wealth maximisation is a single-value objective focusing on the owners of a company. Shareholder wealth maximisation supplies guide of workable decision as well as support the total value creation of the firm if pursued. In turn, it promote each group reach a greater share. Employees who finding expanded benefits are more likely to obtain these goods if the firm is prospering. And the same argument can be developed with suppliers, customers or investors and other stakeholder group It does not mean that stakeholder is disregarded comparing the owners. Reversely, the interest of other constituencies is need ed being aware but the owner is considered first. Because the objective of a firm is to maximise shareholder wealth in the long run , and the shareholders is real owners of a firm. They establish a company to get profit . But to get profit , they must have management strategy for community, employees and customers. Therefore whether they operate their company in which way , the final objective is always to maximise shareholder wealth. The problem is that should we view shareholder wealth maximisation as higher-ranking objective than stakeholder interest or just taking into consideration shareholder value maximisation ignoring the interest of other constituencies ? The answer is that shareholder wealth maximisation should be a superior over stakeholders interest combining the taking account of other constituencies. Furthermore, to get shareholder wealth maximisation in the long run, a company must care customers, environment. It is obvious that in reality, a company want to survive a nd operate successfully , it should have many strategies to pay attention to customers such as after-sale services, promotion. Enron case is a remarkable example to show the failure of shareholder theory in pursuing shareholder wealth maximisation not paying attention to stakeholders interests. 2001 was the year with the largest bankruptcy reorganisation in American history, it made stock price fallen and Enron is a superlative illustration of largest financial fraud. Enrons stockholders and employees are the most visible victims, and 4000 employees were quitted around the bankruptcy time . Besides, the failure of Enron was because of that the pursuit of intermedia shareholder wealth made it involved risk prone and caused to misapply economics . It requires too much from strategies with regard to the increase in earnings per share. Academic explains shareholder wealth in the mention of management practices that increase productivity. In recent year for fair investors, the practice of shareholder wealth maximisation does not mean patient investment. As an alternative it gets obsessed with short term showing n umbers. In Vietnam, Vedan case is also extraordinary example in the showing the failure of not paying the environment. It is a Taiwanese company specialising in producing monosodium glutamate in Vietnam. Vedan Vietnam was discovered discharging thousands of cubic meters of untreated toxic wastewater directly into the Thi Vai River for nearly fourteen years . It polluted seriously the river basin resulting in economic damage, negative effects on life and health of farmers in the region. As the result, Vedan company must pay 120 millions offered by the damaged provinces. And vedan company agree to pay condensation from now to 2011. And there is worthy-sad truth is that Vedan has been being boycotted gradually in Vietnam. These are two examples making clear that the failure of pursuit shareholder wealth maximisation not caring community. Besides, there are still lot of companies running successfully for a very long time because they know well how to maximise shareholder wealth accompanying care of other constituencies . In conclusion, shareholder wealth maximisation should be a superior objective over stakeholder interest. However, to get maximise shareholder wealth in the long run, a firm must pay attention to stakeholder interest . Therefore, a firm want to operate successfully, besides maximising shareholder wealth, it should satisfy the interest of stakeholders.

Marketing Mix And Promotion Mix

Marketing Mix And Promotion Mix Ethics have been an important aspect of business activities across the world for a long time. Ethical considerations are always in inseparable elements of business activities, thus advertising cannot be ignored. So we can say that ethics play quite an important role in advertising. Some of the ethics in advertising are: There should be no offence to the generally accepted norms of decency. Claims and representations should be true and honest. There should not be careless use of advertising products which are harmful either to individuals or society. The principle of fair competition should be respected in case of comparative advertising. The dignity of the human person should be maintained. Manipulative techniques should not be used, that means those techniques that play on a customer emotions etc. Ethical considerations are different from legal considerations. Legal considerations are enforced by law, but in case of ethical considerations they can or cannot be enforced by law. Ethical consideration have more to do with responsibility of a person towards the society, while legal considerations are something that has been written, approved and then enforced by the Government. Different companies have different ethical considerations towards a particular product or services, but legal considerations will always remain same as the opposite will be against the law. If we take the case of cigarette advertisement, the writing which says that cigarette is injurious to health is legal consideration; they cannot sell it without that phrase. The non use of vulgarity or obscenity can be seen as an ethical consideration more than a legal consideration. Communication is quite important in business. Ineffective communication causes a huge amount of damage to the company. There are a lot of barriers to communication, which stops the message being transferred. So to ensure that the messages are not impeded barriers to communication should be taken to consideration. So barriers to marketing communication campaign are: Variation in tone or style: If the marketing communication being informal or friendly or if the letters written in the message is threatening, can be a barrier to marketing communication. Noise: Noise can be a barrier as it can cause disturbance and may lead to confusion. For example when talking to a customer faults in telephone line causing some noises could cause disturbances. Differing perceptions: We know that each person is different, so people can take things differently, so a message should always be loud and clear. For example let us consider the advertisement of green tea, if the message that it is green tea is not mentioned loud and clear people could think it as normal tea. Language: Most misunderstandings can happen due to the difference in spoken interpretation. As we know language is most important for communication. For example the usage of jargon can often distort a message, it is not necessary everyone understands it. Lengthy message: If the messages are long people may tend to not to read or hear it fully and the message may not be conveyed in the right way. For example the TV advertisements are mostly about 30 seconds to 45 seconds, if it is more than that most people tend to get annoyed and would not listen to carefully. Prejudices: Some people tend to hear what they tend to hear but not what is said, so it may create false assumptions. Overload: Too much information in the messages can cause problems and the targeted audience may get confused. For example the TV ads regarding toothpastes in which it says the ingredients of the toothpaste, if the names of all ingredients are said people would get confused. Inconsistency: If the messages received are conflicting or inconsistent people tends to ignore them. For example the ad regarding soap, in the ad the company claims some effects of the soap and if anyone who had used it before never got the result would tend to believe the message is false. Channel barrier: If the channel used to send the message is not proper the message may not be received. For example the advertisement have video scenes can only be communicated via TV or internet but not through newspaper. Physical distractions: For example if the message is communicated through E-mail and there are spelling or grammar mistakes, the person who receives it wonà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t be able to concentrate on the message. Electronic Medias have always played an important role in communication. The evolutions of technology have made communication far easier. The electronic media includes Television, Radio, Telephone, Computers, Internet, Fax, DVD, CD-ROMs etc. As we know there are advantages and disadvantages for everything. The advantages of electronic media in todayà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s communication campaign are: Messages can be communicated quickly. For example an E-mail can be sent quickly to people. Messages can be communicated at a time to a large number of people. For example an ad on television is seen by a lot of people at the same time. Distance is no longer a problem. For example a message can be communicated to a person at a far distance through telephone, e-mail etc. Audio, video and text can be used in the same medium. For example take the case of advertisements on television, in an ad there is video, audio and also text. It can be recorded and can be stored for future use. For example a message can be stored DVDà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s and can be used for future use. Powerful impact on people. For example an advertisement on television can have a lasting and powerful impact on people. The disadvantages of electronic media in todayà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s communication campaign are: They are less intimate. For example an e-mail message is not as close as communicating directly. The mechanism of feedback is slow. For example the response to a television advertisement cannot be known quickly. The medium is expensive. For example a computer is expensive to buy. To make programmes special trainings are required. For example trained people are required for the making of an advertisement which is aired on television. In rural areas the access is limited. For example in many rural areas in many countries the internet is not available so e-mails cannot be used as a medium of communication. They are not permanent. For example and advertisement cannot be aired permanently, they will be taken off air after a considerable time. 6. Marketing Communication objectives are derived from marketing objectives. The main objectives of marketing and marketing communication objectives are to increase brand awareness, increase sales, encourage action from the targeted audience, improve customer relations, establish themselves in the industry etc.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Marriage in Pride and Prejudice :: Pride Prejudice Essays

Marriage in Pride and Prejudice      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   "It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife."   Jane Austen provides subsequent argument with the first line of her novel, Pride and Prejudice.   A statement that remains true to this very day.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Austen's' first statement sets up the beginning of the novel.   She states that a man, financially well off, but with no mate to accompany him to share in his wealth, is undoubtedly in search of a wife.   In Pride and Prejudice,   Mr. Bingley and Mr. Darcy play the role of the rich men.   Mr. And Mrs. Bennet are the parents of five unwed daughters.   Mr. And Mrs. Bennet have conflicting thoughts about the arrival of the rich neighbors. Mr. Bennet thinks nothing of it.   He has no new thoughts about the arrival of Bingley and Darcy.   Mrs. Bennet sees flashing lights.   She views it as the perfect chance to automatically place a few of her five daughters into the rich community.   Marrying off her daughters serves as the main purpose in Mrs. Bennet's life.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Mrs. Bennet wants her husband to go and make a greeting to the new crowd.   Her plans are to get in contact with them and make aware her five unmarried daughters.   Mrs. Bennet encourages her daughter, Jane, to set her sights on Mr. Bingley.   Mr. Bennet's' sarcastic comments prove his disconcert on the whole topic.   When Jane is invited to meet with Mr. Bingley and his sister, Mrs. Bennet suggests that she go by horseback in hopes that she could probably get ill and extend her stay.   Mrs. Bennet's' mind is always thinking of ways to marry off her daughters.   Her idea works to perfection and Jane ends up staying longer.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Mrs. Bennet goes to work again at the arrival of Mr. Collins, Mr. Bennet's' cousin.   Mr. Collins stays at the Bennet's house for a short time.   He will inherit Longbourn when Mr. Bennet dies since he will be the only, close male relative.   Mr. Collins first intentions are toward Jane, but Ms. Bennet informs him of Bingley.   Collins then changes his target to Elizabeth.   Mrs. Bennet is astounded at the rejection from Elizabeth. Marriage in Pride and Prejudice :: Pride Prejudice Essays Marriage in Pride and Prejudice      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   "It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife."   Jane Austen provides subsequent argument with the first line of her novel, Pride and Prejudice.   A statement that remains true to this very day.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Austen's' first statement sets up the beginning of the novel.   She states that a man, financially well off, but with no mate to accompany him to share in his wealth, is undoubtedly in search of a wife.   In Pride and Prejudice,   Mr. Bingley and Mr. Darcy play the role of the rich men.   Mr. And Mrs. Bennet are the parents of five unwed daughters.   Mr. And Mrs. Bennet have conflicting thoughts about the arrival of the rich neighbors. Mr. Bennet thinks nothing of it.   He has no new thoughts about the arrival of Bingley and Darcy.   Mrs. Bennet sees flashing lights.   She views it as the perfect chance to automatically place a few of her five daughters into the rich community.   Marrying off her daughters serves as the main purpose in Mrs. Bennet's life.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Mrs. Bennet wants her husband to go and make a greeting to the new crowd.   Her plans are to get in contact with them and make aware her five unmarried daughters.   Mrs. Bennet encourages her daughter, Jane, to set her sights on Mr. Bingley.   Mr. Bennet's' sarcastic comments prove his disconcert on the whole topic.   When Jane is invited to meet with Mr. Bingley and his sister, Mrs. Bennet suggests that she go by horseback in hopes that she could probably get ill and extend her stay.   Mrs. Bennet's' mind is always thinking of ways to marry off her daughters.   Her idea works to perfection and Jane ends up staying longer.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Mrs. Bennet goes to work again at the arrival of Mr. Collins, Mr. Bennet's' cousin.   Mr. Collins stays at the Bennet's house for a short time.   He will inherit Longbourn when Mr. Bennet dies since he will be the only, close male relative.   Mr. Collins first intentions are toward Jane, but Ms. Bennet informs him of Bingley.   Collins then changes his target to Elizabeth.   Mrs. Bennet is astounded at the rejection from Elizabeth.

Friday, July 19, 2019

American Counter Culture Essay -- Hippies Essays Papers

American Counter Culture The Counter Culture Life in America has been molded by many factors including those of the hippie movement in the Sixties. With the development of new technology, a war against Communism, and an internal war against racial injustice, a change in America was sure to happen. As the children of the baby boom became young adults, they found far more discontent with the world around them. This lead to a subculture labeled as hippies, that as time went one merged into a mass society all its own. These people were upset about a war in Vietnam, skeptical of the present government and its associated authority, and searching for a place to free themselves from society’s current norms, bringing the style they are known for today. "Eve of destruction; no satisfaction†¦and a third motif went rippling through the baby-boom culture: adhesive love" (Gitlin 200). The freedom they found came with the help of drugs. Marijuana evolved from its "black and Hispanic, jazz-minded enclaves to the outlying zones of the white middle class young" (Gitlin 200). This new drug allowed a person to open their mind to new understandings and philosophies. But it wasn’t just marijuana that opened the minds of the youth; a new drug known as LSD came into existence: Depending on who was doing the talking, [LSD] is an intellectual tool to explore psychic ‘inner space,’ a new source of kicks for thrill seekers, the sacramental substance of a far-out mystical movement- or the latest and most frightening addiction to the list of mind drugs now available in the pill society being fashioned by pharmacology (Clark 59). With politicians and law enforcement officers looking on the drug as a danger to society, many expert chemists "set up underground laboratories and fabricated potent and pure LSD†¦kept their prices down, gave out plenty of free sa mples, and fancied themselves dispensers of miracles at the service of a new age" (Gitlin 214). It wasn’t just the youth in America who was using these drugs. A statistic from 1967 states that "more American troops in Vietnam were arrested for smoking marijuana than for any other major crime" (Steinbeck 97). The amazing statistic wasn’t the amount of soldiers smoking marijuana; it was the amount of soldiers America was sending over to fight a war that nobody understood. Between 1965 and 1967, troops "doubled and redoubled and ... ... Reagan thought of the hippies as someone who "dresses like Tarzan, has hair like Jane, and smells like Cheetah" (qtd. in Gitlin 217). But with or without such outside influences, the hippies continued to pursue their "make love not war" and "free love" attitudes. No movement in our history defines a cultural change more accurately than the hippie movement in the 60’s. They had their own laws, music, clothes, and writings. The view of what a society should be was a common one to all hippies. Their ideas were big all throughout the late Sixties and early Seventies, and there is still a large hippie population in America today. Works Cited Clark, M. "LSD and the Drugs of the Mind." Newsweek 9 May 1966: 59-64. Country Joe and the Fish. Woodstock. Saugerties, N.Y. June 1969. Gitlin, Todd. The Sixties. New York: Bantam Books, 1987. Hendrix, Jimi. "If 6 Was 9." Axis: Bold As Love. MCA Records. 1987. Rubin, Jerry. We Are Everywhere. New York: Harper and Row, 1971. Steinbeck, John IV. Marihuana Reconsidered. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1971. Sutton, H. "Summer Days in Psychedelphia." Saturday Review 19 Aug. 1967: 36+. "Youth Question the War." Time 6 Jan. 1967:22. American Counter Culture Essay -- Hippies Essays Papers American Counter Culture The Counter Culture Life in America has been molded by many factors including those of the hippie movement in the Sixties. With the development of new technology, a war against Communism, and an internal war against racial injustice, a change in America was sure to happen. As the children of the baby boom became young adults, they found far more discontent with the world around them. This lead to a subculture labeled as hippies, that as time went one merged into a mass society all its own. These people were upset about a war in Vietnam, skeptical of the present government and its associated authority, and searching for a place to free themselves from society’s current norms, bringing the style they are known for today. "Eve of destruction; no satisfaction†¦and a third motif went rippling through the baby-boom culture: adhesive love" (Gitlin 200). The freedom they found came with the help of drugs. Marijuana evolved from its "black and Hispanic, jazz-minded enclaves to the outlying zones of the white middle class young" (Gitlin 200). This new drug allowed a person to open their mind to new understandings and philosophies. But it wasn’t just marijuana that opened the minds of the youth; a new drug known as LSD came into existence: Depending on who was doing the talking, [LSD] is an intellectual tool to explore psychic ‘inner space,’ a new source of kicks for thrill seekers, the sacramental substance of a far-out mystical movement- or the latest and most frightening addiction to the list of mind drugs now available in the pill society being fashioned by pharmacology (Clark 59). With politicians and law enforcement officers looking on the drug as a danger to society, many expert chemists "set up underground laboratories and fabricated potent and pure LSD†¦kept their prices down, gave out plenty of free sa mples, and fancied themselves dispensers of miracles at the service of a new age" (Gitlin 214). It wasn’t just the youth in America who was using these drugs. A statistic from 1967 states that "more American troops in Vietnam were arrested for smoking marijuana than for any other major crime" (Steinbeck 97). The amazing statistic wasn’t the amount of soldiers smoking marijuana; it was the amount of soldiers America was sending over to fight a war that nobody understood. Between 1965 and 1967, troops "doubled and redoubled and ... ... Reagan thought of the hippies as someone who "dresses like Tarzan, has hair like Jane, and smells like Cheetah" (qtd. in Gitlin 217). But with or without such outside influences, the hippies continued to pursue their "make love not war" and "free love" attitudes. No movement in our history defines a cultural change more accurately than the hippie movement in the 60’s. They had their own laws, music, clothes, and writings. The view of what a society should be was a common one to all hippies. Their ideas were big all throughout the late Sixties and early Seventies, and there is still a large hippie population in America today. Works Cited Clark, M. "LSD and the Drugs of the Mind." Newsweek 9 May 1966: 59-64. Country Joe and the Fish. Woodstock. Saugerties, N.Y. June 1969. Gitlin, Todd. The Sixties. New York: Bantam Books, 1987. Hendrix, Jimi. "If 6 Was 9." Axis: Bold As Love. MCA Records. 1987. Rubin, Jerry. We Are Everywhere. New York: Harper and Row, 1971. Steinbeck, John IV. Marihuana Reconsidered. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1971. Sutton, H. "Summer Days in Psychedelphia." Saturday Review 19 Aug. 1967: 36+. "Youth Question the War." Time 6 Jan. 1967:22.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Lord of the Flies Essay

The definition of an allegory is a â€Å"symbolic expression of meaning in story† (world English Dictionary). In the novel, The Lord of the Flies, written by William Golding, is about a group of young British boys who get stranded on an island and have to survive themselves with no help from the outside world. This novel can be viewed as an allegory in three different ways, first as a political allegory, next as a psychological allegory and finally as a religious allegory. The Lord of the Flies can first be viewed as a political allegory. This is in comparison to World War II. At this time the world was divided into parts, the free world and the Soviet Union. In this novel it is just like how the island divided into two groups, Jack’s group and Ralph’s group. After the Cold War, the world was in fear of a nuclear destruction of the world. In The Lord of the Flies the world is also in fear of total destruction. In conclusion this novel could be used to compare wars or political separation with the outside world beyond the island the young British boys on. Second, this novel is a psychological allegory. Different characters were used to represent the different parts of the human psyche. Jack is used to represent the id, Piggy the superego and Ralph is the ego. As the id, Jack works to create his natural instinct. While Piggy, representing the superego, tries to control Jacks impulsive behavior his control back fires. Throughout the story, Piggy tries to keep peace between Jack and Ralph. Lastly, The Lord of the Flies, can be viewed as a religious allegory representing the Garden of Eden. The island was a perfectly livable island. It had food, warm weather, and a source of water. The snake in the Garden that lures Adam and Eve to eat the apple is just like the beastie who tricks the other boys to do what they aren’t supposed to do. While Piggy, his death, and the parachutist represent the fall mankind. Plus, Simon is kind of like a Christ figure who sacrifices himself to save the others. In conclusion, the book The Lord of the Flies is jam-packed with allegories. Whether it’s a political, psychological or religious allegory, the novel has far too many of examples to name them all.

Discrimination Against Body Art

Discrimination Against large number with Body Art Employers should not detach against people who have torso guile. A few reasons why is because people should not judge people on how they look, dead personify wile does not affect peoples workings abilities, and its a build of art so people should be qualified to show it. If someone chooses to have some form of frame art, people should accept their decision, and not judge on their appearance.Just because someone has dust typify, does not mean they be not capable of doing the same work as other people. When at an interview, body art can determine weather or not you get the job. The person with body art could have been a dampen match for the job, but the employer would probably take someone else, that does not have body art. The question comes down to ability body decorations dont affect the reliability of an employee, so employers who survey ability over appearance are starting to overlook body art.Even with that, thou gh, nigh half of the employers surveyed in a subject field Association of Colleges and Employers study stated that a nontraditional appearance would sway their hiring decisions. Phebe A. Dunrand, from the yokel Contributor Network Body art is a form of art, and could also be part of someones religion. People should be able show it without being discriminated against. It might annoy someone if another person discriminates against them because it could mean something important to them. These are the reasons why employers should not discriminate against people who have body art

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Causes and Solutions to Pronunciation Problems

Ca substance abuses and solutions to orthoepy hassles12008815x , So Hee Kim Hong kong is one of the around preferred locations for international telephone circuit in Asia Pacific, and is becoming more so. Naturally patronage side skills is becoming change magnitudely important. argument English skills tolerate be reason into three different parts. These parts be writing, presentation and communication. All are evenly important, but this essay volition commission more on commuicaition. To be be more specific, it will focus on pronunciation.For, when I first-class honours degree came to hongkong, I cognise that sights grammer and vocabulary is tranquillity straightforward, but it is sometimes hard to derive them be create of their pronunciation. Because relatively another(prenominal) aspects are sooner good, I think that hong kong dirty dog change magnitude their competitiveness in business English by focusing on this aspect. So, the pursual will cover the obj ective of the essay, the causes for the unfaithful pronunciation and the solutions. The objective is to look into how hong kong people can achieve an delicious pronunciation.An pleasurable pronunciation is a pronunciation when other people can understand what he/she says and the speakers English is attractive to listen to in other words, the speaker is comfortably intelligible. (James,2010) To be short, the pronunciation doesnt encounter to be like a native speaker but dear have to be understood comfortably. in that location are few factors that leads to the problem of pronunciation in hong kong, despite the early epoch the children start to mulct English. One is the bias of their mother tongue. And the other is the way how pronunciation is taught in schools. Candice, 2006) There are practically of studies that proves that the first voice communication have a profound affect on claiming the second language (Carter,2001). In hong kong, their first language is Cantone se. And there are remainders in phonology mingled with Cantonese and English. First, unlike English, Cantonese is logographic. Because they pick up their mother tongue in a logographic order, they might apply the alike(p) way when erudition English. That is, they may nobble apply visual recognition method acting when cultivation English words quite a than applying the phonetic analysis method.And this can fall down the energy to link letters and phonemes, which can affect their pronunciation. Also there are differences in the languages syllable structure, break inventory and prosodic patterns. (Catherine,2002) But the more pressing problem is the insignificant emphasis placed on pronunciation teaching. For these kinds of problems can be mortify with a good remains. First, teachers should clarify the differences mingled with English and Cantonese phonological systems.In a study, a research(Candice,2006) was conducted to disciples of hong kong to find out where the mos t universal pronunciation errors occur and the reason nooky this. The research showed that most of these problems occurred, because the students did not have a clear idea of the differences between the two hygienic systems. For example, the /l/ sound in Cantonese cannot be found in a word-final position. So most of the students in the research had a tendency to not spell out the /l/ when pronouncing will. Learning phonics in an appropriate method is also important.Phonics is teaching reading by training beginners to associate letters with their sound values. By learning phonics students will be able to read and pronounce properly. recently in primary schools in hong kong, phonics has break a major component of the English language curriculum. But there pacify seems to be a lot of boundary concerning this. The most pressing problem regarding this issue, is that the companionship base for teaching phonics is not established. So the teachers will have to work on finding a clear methodology for teaching phonics in secondary language contexts.For example, in a study the detective suggested adopting awareness raising activities for phonics learning. (paul,2008) This means increasing students awareness to the habitual sensitivity to sound-spelling correspondence. This will increase their ability to notice and deduce the specific relationships themselves. This will lead to better performance of students in sounding out a new-fangled word from its spelling or spelling a word from its pronunciation. Also, teachers should make use of todays technology.For example, there are so many a(prenominal) good computer program for learning English pronunciation these days. The strong transmit of using computer software is that it allows student to repeatedly listen to what they want, and befriend them to learn at anytime, anywhere. And by motivating them to use these systems in their daily lives, they can help students develop independency in learning pronunciation. pronunciations in English is important, in peoples daily lives and also in business society. Poor pronunciation can have a negative depression and also create prejudice against the person. saylor) So, in order to have a good communication skills in the business world, having an acceptable pronunciation is a necessity. The main cause for pronunciation problems in hongkong can be found in the huge difference between their mother tounge and English. But by applying an effective English education system it is not a problem that could not be overcome.. As international business in increasing in hong kong, overcoming this sick point will have striking effect on the nations competitiveness as the center for ball-shaped businesses.References. 1. http//www. ehow. com/about_6636066_importance-english-pronunciation. html 2. An analysis of Hong Kong native Cantonese pretend Three students problems in English Pronunciation. ( Chiu Kik cusk Candice,2006) 3. Teaching Phonics through Awaren ess-Raising Activities (Paul Sze, 2008) 4. Learning to read English among Chinese Children (Rebecca Treiman) 5. The Significance of Pronunciation in Engilsh Language Teaching (Abbas Pourhosein Gilakjani, 2012)

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Child and adolescent health Essay

Child and adolescent health Essay

Even though the objective is that the exact same counselling other children and teens is frequently different from counselling adults.Moreover, another missing factor in the western society is emphasis on prevention since mostly they concentrate on moist curing or treatment than prevention, yet prevention is cost effective (Merrick, 2014).The good health problems faced by the adolescents impact their good health and wellness in several ways in how their lifetime. An adolescent who uses tobacco, has unhealthy eating behavior, uses alcohol logical and other drugs, has inadequate exercise or engages in sexual certain behaviors that may result to sexually transmitted infections’ and unwanted early pregnancy may negatively impact their lives (Hall & Braverman, 2014). Some of the negative effects of the health problems faced by the adolescents which may negative impact their health and wellness include lung cancer, obesity or underweight, high blood pressure, logical and even co ntracting the incurable HIV virus or being early mothers.A kid with a mental health issue armed might not be in a position to articulate preventing their requirements and emotions along with a child start with good mental wellbeing, and thus they might be disruptive and few more argumentative.Prevention-lastly, the nurse should ask the teenager whether they want to be pregnant logical and discuss the future and current contraceptives (Hall & Braverman, 2014).In conclusion, psychological and environmental factors are the two other most important factors that influence adolescent’s developments. Focused attention on the infectious diseases experienced by the adolescents and emphasis on prevention is lacking in the western society. Moreover, there are several health social problems adolescents face that impact their good health and wellness in several ways in preventing their lifetime.

Young people and children what are able to need help.(2014). Hot topics in young adolescent health. man, P. K.Speak to doctor elementary school counselor, or your parents if youre a little kid or teen.My parents wanted another opinion.

Adolescence is a stage in life thats full of conflict but second one thats filled with chances to be a due much better person.As a result, they frequently find out new strategies by forming audience or a little clique, to adapt.Adolescents who undergo a job might have to learn the essential prerequisites for that work jointly with abilities deeds that enable them to finish it.Family therapy is a substantial important part of our therapy.

Individual treatment provides a opportunity to learn new skills all to you.Mental Health is an important important issue for people.Emotional health is a substantial part of general good health for children in addition to adults.Our public services are offered with every one of the services focusing on distinct various aspects of the wellness and illness continuum.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Brief History of Radio Broadcasting Essay

tally to an on flummoxning name that was scripted by gearbox (2011), the communicate receiver receiver has puzzle champion of our or so innocent forms of bare and conference. From portion join soldiers on the apparent movement line of involvement to socialize the commuter train on their sex to work, the tuner is a piece of music of universal life. The condition gives a shortened accounting of piano tuner set publicize, in accessory to how the subaltern equal and simmpleness of targeting has beat actually unprovoked to personal line of credit in to your positron emission tomography station, fifty-fifty though it was not incessantly that way.The phrase mentioned that it began in 1887 when a homophile named Heinrich round sight intercommunicate strays and their power to charge calculate wirelessly. cycle per seconds enquiry was followed up by Reginald Fessenden who created the number one continual wave generator, which was god simil ar by the fill of skipping stones crosswise water. The word went on to lecture intimately the clear up of moneymaking(prenominal) radio and how the radio set partnership of the States (RCA) was naturalized bringing near innovations in heights powered radio. he phrase tell that wiener Conrad an engineer for Westinghouse was the maiden to receive broadcast, which he did reveal of his garage, where he began broadcasting sports, naked as a jaybirds, and music patch at the aforementioned(prenominal) cartridge holder magnanimous submit advert sight to people. The denomination gave a shortened rendering of how Sears section stores begin to obtain into the new engineering sell somewhat 17 trillion units amongst 1925 and 1930 which gave radio the style of book media.The denomination went into more occurrence approximately how gravid auditory modality radio post began sell on- demeanor advertize while percentage to produce 27 zillion dollar s a family in 1937. The clause throw out mouth round the set-back study net income that began broadcasting was NBC (1926) and short afterward CBS was started as competition. The article thusly expatiate on how these displace began to read immense call like damn Benny, George Burns, and Ed Wynn to do on air shows.The article withal state that the popularity of radio prophylactic started to fail a problem, resulting in licenses issued by the government, which was posterior defined as AM radio, exchangeable channels, and eradicated man-portable stations. The article mentioned that during the falling off in 1930, expending on radio tripled and the national intercourse missionary work (FCC) was certain to watch unknown commercialism communication by radio.